Circuitos Compatilhados



Circuitos Compartilhados resulted from a research, action and movement strategy undertaken by epa! about autonomous artistic circuits in Brazil.  The project, started in 2008, shares the most complete collection of movies and videos regarding Brazilian collective of artists practices, cultural activism, collaborative actions in Art, alternative spaces.

The DVD collection has 20 programs, spread into 35 DVDs each, totalizing 44h35’25” of program. The 225 titles cover 87 actions carried out by Brazilian artists from the 1970’s until the current days.  It unites an important transgenerational production, facilitating the access to a material relevant in the critical thinking about the artistic circuits in Brazil. Some of the productions were so far rare and inedited.

The program circulated through Brazil in a nomadic exhibition circuit. There were 44 presentations in 22 cities of 12 Brazilian provinces. One exhibition was also made in USA. CCSP, Museu Nacional do Conjunto Cultural da República, Museu Victor Meirelles, MAC-Niterói, FUNDAJ, MAM-BA, Videobrasil/SESC Avenida Paulista, Cinemateca de Curitiba, Museu Oscar Niemeyer  and Brazilian Universities are some of the partners of this autonomous circuit.

The collection gained new contents, which were aggregated in a curation process made by Newton Goto. With the support of Edital Arte e Patrimônio – 2007 (Ministry of Culture / Iphan / Paço Imperial / Petrobras), the collection was updated and 150 copies went for distribution. Some of the cultural and educational institutions that received the collection are: CCSP, MAC-USP, Videobrasil, Cinemateca Brasileira, USP, UFRJ, UERJ, MAM-RJ, MAC-Niterói, Paço Imperial, Museu da República, MAC-PR, MON, Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, UFPR, UFRGS, Usina do Gasômetro, FURGS, Museu Nacional do Conjunto Cultural da República, UnB, FUNDAJ, MAMAM, UFU, UFPA, MAM-BA, MACBA (Barcelona), TrAIN (Londres).

What: Video production and pos-production.

Videos on the collection – Toscolão, Estilingue, Polavra.

When: 2009

Where: Brazil.

Site: Circuitos Compartilhados


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